Chain maintenance and lubrication

Chain maintenance and lubrication

Chain lubrication is a simple and very essential part of regular bicycle maintenance. A chain that is regularly and timely lubricated will last longer and provide more efficient gear shifting, however, chain life is highly dependent on usage conditions.

How to find out if the chain needs to be lubricated? The easiest way is to touch the chain very slightly with the tip of your finger - if the tip of your finger remains black and oily, there is probably still a lot of oil on the chain. If the chain is dry and does not leave an oil mark on the finger, it is probably time to oil it. The chain must be lubricated at the beginning of the season, at the end of the season and after every bike wash.

Chain maintenance and lubrication
Chain maintenance and lubrication
Chain maintenance and lubrication
Chain maintenance and lubrication
Chain maintenance and lubrication
Chain maintenance and lubrication

It is also recommended to check the length of the chain at the beginning of the season to determine the wear of the chain. A worn chain damages the gears and can lead to premature gear wear and more expensive repairs. Such a risk is particularly high for chains with high mileage. Chain length and wear gauges are available at any bike shop.

A well-lubricated chain ensures that the bicycle transmission works quietly and without unnecessary noise. If you hear a chirping sound while driving, which becomes louder over time, it is likely that you need to lubricate the chain. It is also possible to buy special light detectors (diodes) for determining the need for chain lubrication in bicycle shops.

If a deep, black plaque has formed on the chain, it is advisable to visit a service center and have the chain washed. At home, it is recommended to wash the chain with a special device (20-35 EUR), which is effective and will protect the room from detergent and oil splashes.

How to lubricate the chain? We fix the bicycle in a position that allows you to freely turn the pedals in reverse. Slowly rotate the bicycle pedals in reverse and apply 5-7 drops of oil on top of the chain and 5-7 drops inside. For better protection against dust, it is recommended to use a special chain wax, which is applied in a similar way after chain lubrication. After the end of the oiling process, it is recommended to ride the bike for a few hundred meters, so that the oil and wax penetrate more evenly and quickly into the moving elements of the chain.

What oil to use? It is recommended to use oil intended specifically for bicycle transmission, which can be purchased in small packages at all bicycle shops. The most demanding riders can choose special low-resistance oils, oils for dry or wet weather, but for everyday riders, a universal bicycle transmission oil will suffice.

Remember! Oil should be applied to the chain regularly, but only a few drops. Too much is too bad!

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