Balance bikes

Balance bikes

Balance bikes are used as an alternative to a child's first bike. Balance bikes have a simple design, they are compact and with them the child quickly learns to maintain balance. The ride and movements are instinctive, so with a balance bike, the child learns to maintain the sense of balance necessary for driving the bike.

The height of the balance bike seat is adjusted so that the child can spring with his full foot and get the necessary acceleration for the movement of the bike. To improve grip and safety, some manufacturers offer balance bikes with a larger front wheel.

Advantages of a balance bike:

ight and compact
Instinctive use that helps you quickly learn to keep your balance
No support wheels, low rolling resistance

Disadvantages of a balance bike:

Extra time to adapt and start using a traditional bike

Consider and consider the following before purchasing:

Balance bike material and seat adjustment range
Inflatable tube tires
Brake lever with rear wheel brake

After using a balance bike for a long time, a child might need time to adapt and start riding a real bike. In general, there are different opinions about the usefulness of a balance bike.

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